How to use the “SKB Activated Vegan food” on-line seminar

Activated vegan seminars

First, make sure you have downloaded the notebook (first page of the platform).

Then you have two options:

1.     You watch the videos and the notes under the videos and at the same time you read the notebook.

2.     You start reading the notebook and every time there is a reference to a video, you stop and watch the video.

What you will learn and why

Here are the contents of the online seminar 

  Video Activated Vegan Kitchen

The first step is to have an image of how an activated vegan kitchen looks like. You need to have space to soak everything and know how to keep the sprouts/soaked seeds/soaked grains, dough for bread etc,  in the fridge.

Notebook: Chapter 1 “how to start” and chapter two “Prana-vitality”

Another important thing is to know WHY you must do all these. If you do not know why, you might give up after a while. Some people will say “ I do not have time to make activated food” but actually if you know why you need activated food, you will realise that you have a lot of time.

Video : The 3 Activated Hacks

The three activated hacks is your initiation to Activated food:

1. How to make sprouts

2. How to make plant based activated milk

3. How to make digestive formula

Notebook: all chapters but especially Chapter 1 “how to start” and chapter two “Prana-vitality” . Again, it is important to know WHY it is better to eat our pulses sprouted, why not to trust the pasteurised plant-based milks, and why we need to use digestive formulas to the main meal.


After learning the 3 hacks and have an idea about how to organise your kitchen,

it is time to learn how to plan your meals and how to cook the activated way.

The formula for the daily activated meal preparation is:

-one main meal a day

- one raw meal a day

-one light meal a day

-Sweets and cakes as a meal , not snacks, unless you have a physically active lifestyle

Let’s learn how and why to cook our main meal, light meal, raw meal and activated sweets:

Videos: Main meals/main protein: cooking vegies and Lentils -Sprouted Lentils Stir Fry- Falafel .

In activated cooking we usually cook the main protein and the main carbohydrate separately and these videos will show you how to cook the main protein quickly, preserving their nutrients and their vitality.

Notebook: Chapter five “digestive formulas” and chapter 6 “meal preparation”. what are the main proteins and how we combine them with the rest of the ingredients? How we get our protein with vegan food?

Many main meal ideas with photographs and ingredients. A weekly program with main meal formulas.


Video: Main meals /main carbohydrate

How to cook the main carbohydrate and how to combine it with the protein.

Notebook: chapter 6 “meal preparation”. Check the suggestions at the end of the chapter, for many ideas about complete meals.


 Videos: Main meals/ Combined Protein & Carbs/Split Pulse and Rice Cooking 

Bread & Pasta- Bread Dough-Making Bread Flat Bread- Pasta Dough- Cooking Pasta-Low Gluten Gnochi

Through these videos you will learn how to make activated pasta, activated bread and one-pot activated cooking. Because activated cooking is healthy super-fast food.

Notebook: Chapter 1 “how to start” and chapter 6 “meal preparation” 

Video: Almond Spread- Sunflower Seed Pate

          How to make activated cheese alternatives and how to use them on pasta.

Video: Light Meals- Vegetables- Soup and Puree

This is a formula of how to make activated soup and puree.

Notebook: chapter 6 “Meal preparation” for the benefits of the one-light-meal-per-day and many ideas about soups and purees.

Video: Raw Meals/ Raw Hummus

Notebook: there are no many videos about the raw meals, but there are many raw-meal ideas in the notebook chapter 6 “meal preparation”


  Videos: SWEETS/ Activated Sweets- Raw Cake-Energy Balls-Baked Cake-Jam/ Healthy Sweets- Molasses Cake

The characteristics of the activated sweets are

1.They are raw or freshly baked

2.We use sweet fruit for sweetener

3.They are full meals

In the videos you will learn the formulas of activated sweets like raw cakes, energy balls and full meal cake and also a  healthy cake using molasses.

Notebook: chapter 4 “Sweet Addiction” , we have the opportunity to practice the 3-step-formula of overcoming sugar addiction, and change our life!


At the end of the notebook, chapter 7 , there is a list with vegetables, grains, seeds, pulses, nuts, aromatic herbs and spices, which will help you follow all the formulas of the activated system. We usually do not use recipes or diet programs but we give a general skeleton of a meal or a meal program and you add the ingredients according to the country you live, the season, your personal schedule, your culture and other factors. This is essential for the proper variety and the tuning of our food.


Additionally, we have chapter 3 “Ayurveda Simplified” which has some of the main concepts of Ayurveda- the ancient science of natural living – that will help you a lot to understand the different qualities of food. Ayurveda has an amazing method to define whether the body-system produces too much bile, air or mucus and correct it.


Enjoy life with Activated Food! 

Healthy vegan

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