Beatiful thoughts about Karma by a WST member


My Journey to understanding Karma….


My thoughts on Karma, where way different before this, different when we started, and changed constantly as I tried to understand and digest the information coming through...


Through this exercise I walk through that journey towards understanding and accepting Karma.


Actions have consequences!

That was always the first thing that came to mind when I would hear the word Karma.  

Yes!  Actions have consequences!

A principle I was raised upon, one which seemed fair and made complete sense.  You do something, you pay the price or you reap the reward. As a child it was a simple as black and white, as an adult....well, not so much....

Karma can be ruthless!  It is unforgiving.  Karma leaves no room for excuses, or mitigating circumstances and intent means nothing.  It is the result that matters and it is on that result that Karma will be created...

When we started talking about karma, I found its ruthlessness difficult to fathom. I won’t start with adults, because we as adults have a lot to answer for, but, take an innocent child for example, who is sick and dying or to whom bad things have happened. Is that karma? And why?  To say it is happening for someone else (i.e. parents) to live out their karma seems even worse, it is cold and cruel and vindictive. 

When we were kids our scripture teacher would say "Αμαρτίες γονέων παιδεύουν τέκνα" in direct translation “Sins of parents, torment children”.  I would always find myself wondering, how can a religion that speaks of love and forgiveness be so vindictive and cruel at the same time? 

It also raised the additional question.  If we are responsible for our own actions, then why should someone else pay the price? 

My head was spiraling trying to make sense of it all, it was becoming personal and I needed answers!  I wanted answers!


If I take it a step further and look to my own personal experience as a teenager, I always thought I somehow deserved what had happened, that I brought it on myself, despite being a child, because I WAS a child then.  In my mind that thought was just confirmed when we started learning about karma and I am not going to lie to you, I cried in my closet more than once.


So!  Is there no crime anymore, no accountability? Every person raped, killed, abused or murdered?  They deserved it???? When someone says, it is not your fault, it is the person who carried out that action that is to blame, is that wrong? Wrong, because whatever happens is karma? Were you supposed to be attacked, stripped of your dignity, was that innocent child supposed to get sick, be abused or killed? Is this karma???


I struggled with these questions for days....

The Judge, Jury and victim within me would say.  "See!  I told you so!  Καλά να πάθεις (Serves you right!)" which made way for the guilt and the obsessive thinking.  That whirlpool of thoughts would start spinning in my head fueling years of guilt, self-hatred, shame and blame all over again....




As our lessons progressed and I started to learn more, I started to wonder…

Was I asking the wrong questions?  Was I looking at it all upside down?

And I finally started to realize certain things...


Life is a gift!

No matter what happens, no matter how dark and how difficult, the fact that we are still alive and breathing is a precious gift!

What happened no longer matters, it is finished it is done! But, what you do with it does! How you move on from it does! How you react to it! What you make of it. All of the above actions and reactions can create or avoid creating karma. You can spend your whole life looking back in pain and sadness, stuck in a past you cannot change, or you can pick yourself up and live!  Life is a gift we have been given, to waste it would be a terrible thing.



Next Lesson:

It is not about me!!!!

Karma is not personal! I mean, it is unique and different for each and every one of us, but how it works is not personal.

I was making it personal.  I was seeing it all through my emotions based on that one, awful experience and making myself blind the possibility that there is a bigger picture out there.  In saying that, here comes the next revelation….


We are not our experiences.

Our life is more than our experiences.  We are more than what happens to us.  Good or Bad, It doesn’t matter.  Experiences can mark us, but they should not become us.  There is so much more to this world, to our lives, to our existence than one experience. 

We can let an experience freeze us in time and define us for the rest of our lives, or we can accept it, absorb it and move on, opening ourselves to endless possibilities.  The choice is ours… 


Next Lesson:

In life, things happen we may never be able to fully understand!

I cannot know what cosmic karmic forces supported it, and trying to figure it out will always be a losing battle.  There are so many dimensions to this world and to each and every one of us individually, the majority of which we may never know... We are but a tiny drop in the ocean, in this thing we call universe….

There is no usefulness in constantly going back, or in digging up things you will never be able to know or understand. There is a reason some questions have no answers.

All you can do is take the responsibility, however big or small, of what you can, accept it and move on.

Stop spending energy on the whys and the how’s beyond that point, focus your energy on the now.




Perception is everything!  How you see things and what you choose to understand and make of things is entirely up to you.  So I could choose to make it personal and let my emotions get the better of me, while my head spins in circles digging me into a pit of self-pity and self-loathing, creating more Karma, or I could open my mind and see things from a different perspective. 

Yes Karma is Ruthless, Karma is unforgiving and Cold, But Karma is also Just!  Therefore it works the same for all persons.  Karma does not separate between good and bad, black and white, woman, man, child, rich or poor.  Karma is Karma!


They say Justice is blind and that the only way true justice can work is if it remains that way. However over the years, the justice we humans have created in our world, is not blind.  It is flawed.  It looks at things through the imperfect vision of society and politics. It looks at intent, at circumstances and decides first based on those and not on the result.  Maybe that is why the world has become what it is today.  Full of blurred lines and unclear direction...

Karma however IS blind and that is how it should be. It is clear cut and painfully fair.  Karma does not choose, it just happens, and that is it!



SO as I reached these revelations one by one, I stopped!

I stopped going back, I stopped wasting my life, looking back, reliving the pain, overanalyzing and searching for answers and I just moved on. 


Onwards and ahead, as I realized through the above that, preventing Karma can only be done when you are able, to

1. Separate yourself from your emotions

2. Do not take everything personally

3. Let go of the past and that which you cannot change

4. Accepting that sometimes things just happen and realize that you do not need an explanation.  

5. Stop feeling like the God/the universe owes you answer.  

6. Do not let the past become more important than the now

7. And as you have often said lately.  Just Get on with it.


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